
Many individuals love their animal companions and gain so much pleasure from this relationship. Some feel that they want to share the joy and love of their animal companions with others. PAT’s role is to help.
The application forms ask for basic information regarding the volunteer and their animal companion. The application requests a certificate from your veterinary professional to confirm that your animal companion is fit and has no health problems that would negatively impact him/her as a PAT visiting animal. A copy of the vaccination record must also be provided.
Download the application pack below. Please e-mail the completed application to info@pat.org.za.
Important Considerations
- Animals must be a minimum of 18 months and maximum of 10 years of age at the time of joining.
- Animals must have been with volunteers for at least 6 months.
- Only one animal is allowed per volunteer per visit.
- Animals must enjoy social interaction with people.
- Animals must be free from internal and external parasites.
- Animals must have vaccinations up to date.
Mentorship Visits
Prospective volunteers attend a minimum of two mentorship visits with experienced PAT volunteers to get the “feel” of these visits, without your animal companion.

Behavioural Assessment
Once mentorship visits are completed, PAT will arrange a behavioural assessment for your animal companion. Our role as an NPO is to provide a formal assessment to see if animals have the qualities necessary to visit the sites, for which they receive site-specific permission. There is no specific training for animals to become part of PAT, however, basic obedience such as canine good citizenship, is beneficial. We also consider the animal handlers’s temperament and their interest in partaking in this type of activity.
Volunteer Registration
Once the volunteer team has successfully passed their assessment, arrangements are made to connect them with the coordinator in their area. Hereafter, the coordinator will introduce the new companion-handler team to a suitable institution and will provide support during the initial visit. The team is then expected to visit according to the arrangements set up between them and the institution. Area coordinators and the EXCO will provide ongoing support.
New and active visiting volunteers are required to pay an annual membership fee, as noted on the application form. Each approved volunteer team is covered by our public liability insurance while engaging in PAT visits.