Pets as Therapy

Enriching lives through animal companionship

Pets as Therapy

South Africa 


How do we apply to PAT for a volunteer to visit our organisation?

The process is initiated by contacting us. We will briefly discuss your needs and set up an appointment to meet with you. At this meeting we will explain the parameters within which PAT operates. We also need to evaluate your organisation. This will involve looking at your requirements, policies and parameters within which the visitor would have to work. If you decide to go ahead with the process, we will ask you to complete certain forms to enable us to register  your organisation. 

How soon after this will the visits begin? 

It will depend on whether PAT has a suitable volunteer. If not, we will advise you as soon as one becomes available.  It is important to remember that PAT is a not for profit organisation, entirely dependent on volunteers, so the process may take some time. However, as soon as a volunteer becomes available, we will notify you.

What are the costs involved and what do they cover?

There are no costs involved, however donations by organisations are always welcome.

Once the visits are in process, is there anything else required?

PAT will follow up with a nominated representative of your organization periodically to determine that you are getting the service you expect. In the unlikely event that you experience any problems in the meantime, we would ask that you contact us immediately.